Victoria Swarovski was born into a big family dynasty. Compelling with her talent rather than with her family legacy was the benchmark she set for herself.
Her life is a lesson in courage, tenacity, and determination. Today, Victoria is at a point where she already pursued many of her dreams. Pushing limits is in her DNA. And driving her AMG gives Victoria the feeling of independence and freedom, she has been seeking all her life. In our new episode of AMG Uncovered, Victoria keeps on pushing the limits she has sworn herself to overcome.
Pushing Limits
Let’s dance – or drive!
As a daring jack-of-all-trades, Victoria Swarovski has proven herself in music, design, moderating, entrepreneurship – and car racing! In our new episode of AMG Uncovered, she gets a taste of her childhood dreams. She took it faster, further, beyond the limit. And we didn’t just challenge her on the racetrack, but also in this interview – no words, only pictures.
The sky is the limit
Tenacity and determination
Ready, set, GO! As a child, Victoria Swarovski didn’t just dream of becoming a race car driver, she was determined. At only eight years old, she pushed her go-kart to its limit – until she had an accident that made her mother worry so much, she had to cut short her aspirations of acceleration. So, instead of race cars, Victoria took off in other directions.
Today, she won’t settle on a single title. Her business card could read singer, designer, TV host, or entrepreneur. Instead of choosing just one, she proves herself as a daring jack-of-all-trades. But being the child of a big dynasty like Swarovski is not as fun as it sounds when you want to try yourself out and forge your own path. It hasn’t always been easy, and her life has been anything but a straight line.
Victoria’s life is a lesson in courage, tenacity, and determination. When things go wrong, she is the first to admit failure – but not defeat. She doesn’t give up, she fights, and she goes for every chance to prove herself. She grows with every taken opportunity and every newly achieved win. Because she knows it pays off: now, she’s hosting one of the biggest competitions in German television. Ultimately, it all comes down to what her mother taught her: If you fall, swallow your pride, get up again, check your crown – and keep going!
When life gets too stressful and she needs a second to herself, Victoria knows what to do: she jumps into the car, shuts the door and enjoys the opportunity to clear her mind. She feels free, liberated, and independent when she gets a break from the rest of the world in her Mercedes-AMG G 63. So, don’t take it for granted that we get to see her in her sanctuary in our latest episode of AMG Uncovered.
AMG Uncovered | Pushing Limits feat. Victoria Swarovski

Ambition as a key to success
Victoria with the GT 4-Door Coupé and the G-Rex
Did Victoria’s story spark your interest? Learn more about her vehicles.